Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) - (Untuk SMU/SMK, D3, dan S1)


PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) PNM is a wholly Government-owned Corporation founded in Jakarta pursuant to MPR Decree XVI/MPR/1998, IMF Letter of Intent dated 16 March 1999, Government Regulation No. 38/99 dated 25 May 1999 and Notary Deed No. 1 dated 1 June 1999 validated by the Minister of Justice in Decree No. C-11.609.HT.01.01.TH 99 dated 23 June 1999. The authorised capital of the entity is Rp 1.2 trillion, with subscribed and fully paid up capital at Rp 300 billion.
PNM's financing operations will draw on funds from government equity, the national budget and domestic and foreign soft loan. The PNM Investment Management unit will also manage funds from local and foreign investors.

With the support of the Government and people from all over Indonesia, PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero), under professional and transparent management is fully geared to launch itself into the new era of the building of Indonesia's long-awaited civil society.
Currently we need energetic young professionals & dynamic to join our team as:
  • Unit Manager (UM)
  • Loan Officer (LO)
  • Marketing Officer (MO)
  • Collector (CO)
  • Supporting (SU)
  • Cashier (CS)
  • Internal Control Staff (ICS)
If you are interested in a job above and competent in accordance with job requirements above, please apply for a job above through the link below. Only selected candidates will be notified.

By Andi Kurniawan with No comments

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