Bank BRI - Program Pengembangan Staf IT BRI (PPS IT)

Bank BRI
ATM Bank BRI /
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Bank BRI) is an Indonesia-based financial institution. It is engaged in banking activities and its products and services include savings, loans, consumer products and investment banking. As a state-owned bank (BUMN), BRI played a key role in realizing the government’s vision in the development of people’s economy. In 1960, the government change BRI’s name into Bank Koperasi dan Nelayan (BKTN). Based on Law No.21 of 1968, the government renamed the bank BRI and it became a public bank. Later, based on Banking Law No.7 of 1992, BRI had its name and legal status of its entity changed to PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero). With a focus on micro, small and medium businesses, BRI has inspired a lot of other organizations to empower the businesses in these sectors as they are the backbone of the Indonesian economy.

As a leading bank in Indonesia today, Bank BRI provide career opportunities for potential candidates to join in :


  • S1/S2 undergraduate or graduate student who will graduate in the not too long (it will follow the Session End).
  • Graduates from: Computer Science, Information Engineering with minimum GPA 3.00 (S1) and S2 minimum GPA of 3.25 with the provisions of S1 minimum GPA of 3.00
  • Maximum age 27 years old (S1), and a maximum of 30 years olsl (S2)
  • Priority for those who have never registered as a participant PPS BRI
  • Willing to follow the selection process
  • Not married
  • Willing to be placed around the working area of ​​the BRI
  • Willing to sign a Letter of Agreement with BRI been accepted as a participant if the PPS BRI
  • For the entire selection process is free of charge
For participants who are interested please bring your Complete Application and CV not later than October 5, 2011 to address below.

.UPT Pemagangan Trisakti
.Gedung M Lantai 6 Universitas Trisakti Jakarta
.More Info

By Andi Kurniawan with No comments

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