PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur (Bank Jatim) - Staff Kredit, Staff Administrasi


Bank Jatim /

PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur (Bank Jatim ) is a local enterprise in East Java Province. This bank was established on August 17, 1961 in Surabaya. The legal basis is the establishment of notarial act Anwar Mahajudin Number 91 dated August 17, 1961 and equipped with operational basis of the Minister of Finance Decree No. BUM.9-4-5 dated August 15, 1961.

Furthermore, based on Law Number 13 Year 1962 concerning Basic Provisions and the Regional Development Banks Act No. 14 of 1967 concerning the Fundamentals of Banking, in 1967 improvements through local regulation of the Province of East Java No. 2 of 1976 concerning the Status Regional Development Bank of the form of Limited Liability Company (PT) into a regional government-owned (public enterprises).

Bank Jatim open career opportunities for Indonesia's best people who have a passion for achievement, able to work in a team, have a high commitment and integrity as well as looking attractive, tenacious, thorough and honest to join us and fill the position:

Staff Kredit (AKD-44)


  • Male, with max age for fresh graduated 28 years old and 30 years old for experienced on September 30, 2011.

  • Bachelor degree (S1) for PTN/PTS with minimal accreditation B, majoring in : Economic, Sharia Economic, Law, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Informatic Engineering, Agriculture

  • Preferrable have experienced as financial analyst

Staff Administrasi (ADD - 44)


  • Preferred Male, with max age for fresh graduated 27 years old and 30 years old for experienced on September 30, 2011.

  • Diploma graduated (D3) from PTN/PTS with minimal accreditation B, majoring in Econnomic, Administration, Engineering and Communication Studies

For further detail requirements and how to apply, please read on following link. Closing date 23 July 2011.

By Andi Kurniawan with No comments

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