PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - Officer Development Program (Career Days UGM IX)

ATM Bank BNI /
PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Bank BNI) is an Indonesian stated owned financial institution. Established since 1946, Bank BNI was the first bank formed and owned by the Government of Indonesia. Bank BNI's products and services are categorized into: individual, consisting of credit, savings, treasury and services; corporate, consisting of credit, treasury and services; sharia, consisting of funding and financing products based on sharia principles. 

As of December 31, 2009, Bank BNI was supported by 1,014 domestic branches and sub branches, 26 sharia branches and 31 sharia sub branches. In addition, Bank BNI's network also includes overseas branches in Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, London and New York.

Bank BNI has 9 subsidiaries. They are:
  • PT BNI Multi Finance
  • PT Bina Usaha Indonesia
  • PT Sarana Bersama Pembiayaan Indonesia
  • PT BNI Nomura Jafco Investment
  • PT BNI Securities
  • PT Pembiayaan Artha Negara
  • PT BNI Nomura Jafco Ventura Satu
  • PT BNI Nomura Jafco Manajemen Ventura
  • PT BNI Life
  • BNI Remittance Limited - HongKong

We are seeking for potential individuals to be part of our winning team :

Officer Development Program

CAREER DAYS  UGM IX | GRAHA SABHA UGM | 22 – 23 JULI 2011 | Test 24 - 26 JULI 2011

Specific requirements for Bachelor Degree
  • From a reputable university (local/overseas) majoring in Economics, Engineering, Mathematical & Statistical Science, Agriculture, Fishery, Forestry, Plantation, Animal Husbandry, Law and Business Administration
  • Minimum GPA 2,75 (PTN) and 3,00 (PTS) scale 4
  • Maximum age 26 years old
  • Fluent in both spoken and written English
  • Previous involvement in organizations is an advantage

Specific requirements for Master Degre
  • From a reputable university (local/overseas) majoring in Finance/Accounting or Engineeering
  • Minimum GPA 3,25 (scale 4)
  • Maximum age 28 years old
  • Fluent in both spoken and written English
  • Previous involvement in organizations is an advantage

If you can not attend at JobFair, please send your application to email. For the selection process, preferred applicants from the Job Fair. Please refer following link to more detail about JobFair BNI.

By Andi Kurniawan with No comments

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