Lowongan Kerja Bank Indonesia - Pegawai Bank Indonesia

Bank Indonesia (BI) is one institution that plays an important role in developing Indonesia's economy. Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 1999 concerning Bank Indonesia as amended by Act of the Republic of Indonesia No. 6 of 2009, Bank Indonesia continued to oversee and contribute in maintaining monetary stability and promote financial system stability of Indonesia. Bank Indonesia besides that participate in driving the global economy and regional stability.
As an independent state institution, Bank Indonesia has full autonomy in formulating and carrying out any duties and responsibilities as specified in the law. Special status and position which is necessary for Bank Indonesia to carry out the role and function more effectively and efficiently.
Bank Indonesia has one single objective of achieving and maintaining stability in the rupiah. It contains two aspects of the stability of the rupiah against the goods and services reflected in the inflation rate, and also the stability of the rupiah against currencies of other countries which is reflected in the development of exchange rates.
On this occasion, Bank Indonesia has not been an opening position to be filled. However, Bank Indonesia provides the opportunity for any interested participants to submit an application proposal. Thus, if at any time there is a vacancy in the office of Bank Indonesia then referred participants will be invited to participate in the selection process along to meet the specified requirements.
If you are interested send your resume and cv please read the terms and other info via the link below.Only candidates / applicants with the best qualifications (shortlist candidates) will be invited in the selection process of prospective employees of Bank Indonesia; selection process is free of charge. 

By Andi Kurniawan with No comments

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