PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero) - S1 Agriculture, Forestry, Engineering, Economic, Law

Kebun Teh Gunung Gambir Jember /
PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero) -PTPN XII-, is a State-owned Enterprise (BUMN) with the overall status of a Limited Liability Company owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. PTPN XII established under the PP number 17 in 1996, stated in the notarial document Harun Kamil, SH number 45 dated March 11, 1996 and approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia with SK-8340 C.2 number HT.01.01 dated August 8, 1996.

We invite potential workers are persistent, tenacious, willing to work hard, dare to face challenges, motivated, and have integrity, to join the PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero), which has a working area of ​​the East Java region, with an educational background as follows:
  1. S1 all major in Agriculture Department (Code: TAN)
  2. S1 Agricultural Technology (Code: TT)
  3. S1 Forestry majoring in Forest Management (Code: HUT)
  4. S1 Mechanical Engineering majoring in Energy Conversion (Code: MES)
  5. S1 Industrial Engineering (Code: IND)
  6. S1 Electrical Engineering (Code: ELK)
  7. S1 Economic Accounting (Code: AKT)
  8. S1 Economic Management  (Code: MNJ)
  9. S1 Law majoring in Agrarian Law (Code: HKM)
General requirements:
  • Indonesian citizen, maximum age 30 years old on 1 January 2012.
  • Minimum GPA 2.75 (PTN) and 3.00 (PTS).
  • Willing to be placed around the working area of ​​the company.
  • Preferably have work experience relevant to the proposed field.
  • For Code: AKT preferably have completed Accounting Profession Program
  • Preferred male, Due to the nature of work performed.
  • Never been convicted of committing a crime (SKCK).
  • Never dismissed without honor from the agency or government and private legal entities.
For further detail requirements and how to apply, please open or download official info (pdf format) at links below. Closing date 4 Juli 2011.

More Info - Official Info

By Andi Kurniawan with No comments

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