Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Taspen (Persero) 2011 - SMA, D3, S1

PT TASPEN (Persero) is a State-Owned Enterprises / Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) are engaged in Insurance and Pension Fund Management, a graduate of the Young Workers Need S-1, D-3, and senior high integrity, committed, and willing to work hard to be placed in ALL AREAS INDONESIA.

General Requirements
  • WNI Male / Female, attractive appearance, energetic, and friendly
  • Male height (L) of at least 160 cm, female (P) of at least 155 cm, with a weight proportional.
  • Never married.
  • There was never terminated not with respect as an employee sector in government and private agencies.
  • Physically and mentally healthy.
  • Education level of vocational / senior high school or equivalent:
1. Maximum age 22 years on May 31, 2011;
2. The average value of the minimum exam report cards book value of 7.00 or grade I, II, and III, the minimum 7.00;
3. Preference will be given a certificate: Tax Brevet A Brevet B Taxation, Accounting, Computer (PHP / Web Design / Network / System / Database / Microsoft Office);
4. Issued as administrative staff at the Central Branch of Indonesia and East Indonesia.
  • Education Diploma level (D-3) / Bachelor (S-1):
1. Maximum age 24 years for D-3 and 30 years for the S-1 on May 31, 2011;
2. Minimum GPA 2.75 (PTN) or 3.00 (PTS) of the scala 4.00;
3. More preferably have a minimum TOEFL score of 450 (specifically S-1);
4. The program is a graduate studies received D-3 or S-1: Economic (ECO), Law (huk), Mathematics (MAT), Computer Science (OMC), Actuarial (Akt), Statistics (STA), Secretary (SEK) Health (KES), and Administration (ADM).

If you meet the requirement, please apply on following link. Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview.

By Andi Kurniawan with No comments

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